
Robert Wedmo, Head of Permitting in Sweden

  • career,
  • solar power


“It gives me a positive feeling to be part of a fossil-free revolution where we are free to solve problems and shape the world of tomorrow.”

What is your task at Ilmatar, what kind of different things and tasks do your working days include?

At first, since fall 2021 I worked for Ilmatar as hired consultant. When the Swedish office in Malmö opened in 2022, I joined the company and became an official Ilmatarian!

As Head of permitting my main task is to foster a collaborative atmosphere where my team thrives and enhance good working environment, where they can feel fulfilled and achieve our common and their own goals. 

In addition to my duties as Head of permitting, I serve as a media spokesperson alongside Sweden’s country director. This role allows me to share our organization’s story and mission with the public through press releases and interviews. This is interesting and sometimes challenging as well.

Besides that, I am often involved with meeting landowners and be part of consultation meetings from project start to the end.

How do you like it at Ilmatar? What do you enjoy most about being part of the Ilmatar team?

I am thrilled to be part of a company that is truly making a difference. A positive sense of being a part of a fossil free revolution where we have the freedom to solve problems and shape the world of tomorrow.

Tell briefly about your career before Ilmatar

I have a background as an agronomist with additional law studies. My experience includes working with environmental law at municipality level and at county board level as well as a consultant for different companies the last fifteen years of which ten as a CEO of my own company. Besides that, I am actively supporting a few startups, through co-ownership and board positions, for most people mentioning a brewery seems to trigger their interest.  

Do you have a motto or lesson learned to share?

I wish I had one. When I was young, I told myself that sometimes you need to take a leap of faith to se if you can fly. Few of those have been made, bruises and cuts have happened, but I am still alive.

  • career,
  • solar power