Sustainability at the core of everything we do 

Sustainability at the core of everything we do 

Sustainability is built in our mission, vision and shared values

Our approach to sustainability

Our aim is to help create a world that runs entirely on renewable energy, and we want to do it in a sustainable way.  The foundation for our sustainability work is built on our mission, vision and shared values – expertise, accountability, forerunner and sustainability.

Our mission is to own and operate one of the largest renewable energy fleets in the Nordics.

We stand at the forefront of the energy transition with our valued customers and partners by supplying sustainable, reliable, and affordable energy.

Our project development and construction are dedicated to working in a way that causes minimal disturbance to the environment. 

Sustainability key figures

  • Renewable energy production 100%

  • Positive climate impact, ktCO₂e 163.9 covering emissions of over 17,000 Finns

  • Carbon footprint, ktCO₂e 84.3

Environmental Responsibility

Our business is geared towards accelerating the clean transition. By building renewable energy production, we reduce dependency on fossil fuels, mitigate climate change and help create a better world for future generations.

Environmental Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Together with our stakeholders and in balance with nature, we increase the prosperity of societies. We actively engage with local communities and foster meaningful collaborative efforts. Ensuring the well-being, health, safety and development of our employees is our priority. We respect human rights and promote safety in our operations.

Social Responsibility


We operate transparently, ethically, fairly, and equally, following good corporate governance principles. We expect our counterparties to adhere to the same high standards as Ilmatar. We want to promote responsible business and the well-being of our working community.


Sustainability Review

We report our sustainability data and progress in our sustainability work yearly in our sustainability review. The review is created with consideration to environmental, social and corporate responsibility themes relevant to our business. In addition to the progress of our sustainability work and data, the review also presents the matters which we are going to develop during the coming years.

International sustainability commitments

We honor recognized international commitments, which demonstrate the credibility and relevance of our sustainability work. 

We are committed to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We recognize that our impact spans across all the 17 SDGs, but we have chosen nine SDGs where we believe that our business operations really can make a difference. 

Read more about our commitments

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Latest news on Ilmatar´s sustainability work.