A responsible operating culture is important to us and we are committed to following ethical principles. We want to promote responsible business and the well-being of our working community. With well-organized sustainability management, we aim to ensure that we achieve our sustainability goals. We continuously develop both our sustainability work, management and reporting.
We operate transparently, ethically, fairly and adhere to good governance practices. We require the same from our clients and business partners. We do our part to reduce the shadow economy and reject any form of bribery, corruption or restriction of competition in our own operations as well as in our supply chain. We choose our partners carefully and continue to assess potential risks, their business ethics, and statutory compliance during our cooperation. We also employ various sustainability criteria in our supplier selection process.
Management of sustainability
Sustainability at Ilmatar is the responsibility of the Board of Directors, the supreme governing body. The Board of Directors oversees the management of our financial, environmental and social impact and the progress towards company targets. The Board of Directors approves the sustainability strategy and program, key policies and action plans as well as the most important initiatives and targets. The Board also approves the sustainability report before it is published.
Sustainability performance of our business is reported annually to the Board of Directors and owners. The reporting includes, among others, information on emissions, governance and the carbon footprint of each wind and solar farm. The Board members represent our owners who are private equity and fund managers specialized in the energy transition and the sustainable growth of holding companies and strongly committed to sustainable financing and investing in accordance with the ESG criteria.
The operative functions of Ilmatar are the responsibility of the Management Team. In the Management Team, Vice President of Communications, Marketing & ESG is responsible for sustainability matters. Practical matters related to sustainability, coordination, reporting and communication related to sustainability are the responsibility of the ESG Manager who reports to Vice President of Communications, Marketing & ESG.
Our Management Team takes part in defining the most material sustainability themes and approves the sustainability strategy. Each Management Team member is responsible for managing and implementing the sustainability strategy in practice within their respective areas of responsibility. The Management Team’s incentive systems include sustainability indicators that are related, among others, to employee satisfaction and occupational safety.
Whistleblowing channel for reporting concerns and violations
Ilmatar’s Whistleblowing channelWe encourage our employees, partners and other stakeholders to inform us of any concerns or suspicions regarding any activities that are against the law or our set of rules, our Code of Conduct or our values. We have a whistleblowing channel where everyone can report irresponsible behavior or violations. Our whistleblowing channel is intended for reporting suspected abuses related to Ilmatar Energy Ltd and all its Group companies.
Our employees may also report directly to their supervisor or elected representative.
Among other things, the notifications may concern the following:
- Bribery
- Corruption
- Money laundering
- Grey economy
- Unfair competition
- Human rights violations
- Environmental offences
- Work safety
- Data protection
- Working conditions
- Other unethical activities
The introduction of the whistleblowing channel is based on the EU’s Whistleblower directive.
To protect the information and the reporter all notifications are anonymous and encrypted. All reported activities are treated with confidentiality, and it is not possible to trace the person who submitted the report, unless they have voluntarily shared their personal information as part of the report. The reporter has the right to file a complaint to the Data Protection Ombudsman if they consider that the personal data handling violates the data protection regulations.
Follow the whistleblow process
If you are about to submit a report on our whistleblowing channel, please remember to record the ID obtained from the system so that you can follow your notification and the progress of its processing. We respond to notifications within seven (7) days.Please note that you can also give ordinary feedback directly to the person in question:
By e-mail: firstname.lastname@ilmatar.fi
By post: Kanavaranta 1, 00160 Helsinki
We want to actively participate in the development of renewable energy and drive the clean transition in the Nordics. We hold memberships in various associations.
- Fingrid (Finland’s transmission systemoperator)
- Suomen uusiutuvat (Renewables Finland)
- Energiateollisuus ry (Finnish Energy Association)
- NAET (The Nordic Association of Electricity Traders)
- Svensk Solenergi (Swedish Solar Energy Association)
- H2cluster (Hydrogen cluster Finland)
- BotH2nia network (Hydrogen industry in the Gulf of Finland region)
- UN Global Compact Network Finland
- FIBS (Finnish Business & Society)
- ETI Sverige (Ethical Trading Initiative Sverige)